by Clare | Feb 18, 2019 | COnstruction, Jobs, Kiwi Returners, LOoking For Work, NEw Zealand
Having recruited in the construction industry in both the UK and New Zealand, it’s amazing to see the differences in the market. Auckland could be described as more of a nuke blast rather than the boom you hear about. The number of cranes in action in Auckland at the...
by Clare | Dec 20, 2018 | CAreer goals, COnstruction, Jobs, Kiwi Returners, LOoking For Work, STrucatural EngiNEERing
A little over a year ago I decided to go into recruitment, and I love it. Friends who are recruiters often talked about the relationships they were creating between clients and candidates, and I’d always admired that aspect of the work. I’m a people...
by Clare | Oct 19, 2017 | COnstruction, LOoking For Work, NEw Zealand, rELOCATION
The NZ construction market has experienced a strong sustained period of growth over the past 6 years (since circa 2011), with the total construction market maintaining growth of 7% year on year. This has been fueled in a number of key areas which were the Christchurch...
by Clare | Sep 20, 2017 | ACcountancy, COnstruction, iMMIGRATION, Jobs, NEw Zealand
Having just spent 6 weeks working with our UK team to establish the office, solidify our presence at the DownUnder Expo in October, interview and register a number of skilled candidates who are motivated to move to NZ, our network of skilled, overseas candidates is...
by Clare | Jul 18, 2017 | ACcountancy, COnstruction, iMMIGRATION, IT, Jobs, LOoking For Work, NEw Zealand, Uncategorized
Legal – New jobs registered this month with mid tier legal firms, a mix of roles on offer – Litigation, IP, Patent, Commercial, Property & Insurance based in both Christchurch and Auckland. Experts with 2-5 years’ experience still very much in demand. Roles being...
by Clare | Jun 20, 2017 | ACcountancy, COnstruction, iMMIGRATION, IT, Jobs, LEgal, LOoking For Work, NEw Zealand, PEOPLE, rELOCATION
KOACHING UPDATE Following a reach out to our New Zealand networks we have secured 120 people based across New Zealand who are willing to act as social and career Koaches. They are dotted across both North and South Island, in the main cities as well as out in smaller...
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