Aotearoa / New Zealand
Reasons to live in New Zealand:
- Awarded the World’s 5th Best Holiday Destination by Lonely Planet in 2018.
- Crime rates are a minimum 90% lower per 100,000 than those in UK, US and South Africa.
- There are 4 ½ million people in a space approximately the same size as the UK (UK Population 64 million).
- New Zealand’s education system has been classed as the 8th strongest in the world by OECD.
- Has a worldwide top 40 ranking university.
- Is in the top 10 for healthcare worldwide.
- Pay scales are “on par with those in UK” (outside of London).
- It’s just full of bloody good people, great work opportunities and pristine environments all within a thriving economy.
Working in New Zealand – Facts:
- Employment is forecast to increase by about 152,000 over the next three years, according to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s latest Short-term Employment Forecasts: 2017-20 report.
- The unemployment rate is expected to continue to decline, falling to approx. 3.6 per cent in 2020/2021.
- Demand for skilled workers is forecast to increase by about 19,000, and employment for lower skilled workers will increase by around 40,000 by 2020. Construction and services sectors will continue to boost employment, adding nearly 56,000 workers over the next 2-3 years.